Monday, 10 July 2023

Ibn Jaldún Secondary School is located in the north area of Dos Hermanas between the neighbourhood of Los Potros and that one of Las Infantas. The school is made up of three different premises: 

 The main building has two distinguishable parts, one built in 1998 as part of the previous Torre de Doña María Secondary School and another part belonging to the previous primary school Blas Infante. The two parts were joined in 2014 when the whole education system of secondary education, teachers and pupils were moved to today's location. The building has four storeys where you can find the ordinary form rooms, the specific rooms and the departments. 

- The building commonly known as "gym" includes the sports pavilion, the library and the Department of Physical Education on the ground floor. The first floor includes the DEpartment of Technology and the Tecnology Room. 

- The secondary building is a one-storeyed area including 6 ordinary form rooms mainly assigned to sixth-formers.

Since the schoolyear 2018-2019, the school includes four extra modular classrooms as a response to the increase of the number os students.

Our CSE pupils (aged 12 to 16) come mainly from three primary schools: Arco Norte, Maestro Díaz Ferreras and 19 de Abril.  Sixth-form students come from several secondary schools from the town. 

Over 230 families out of 800 are organised in the School Parents' Assossiation. This association is in permanent touch with the school and collaborates in as many activities as are proposed to them. Moreover, they defray the resources, materials or activities that are considered necessary and essential for the general functioning of the school. 

The school staff includes 67 teachers, 2 caretakers and 1 clerk. The maintenance of the whole school is carried out by external companies.  

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